
Monday 24 March 2014

Anything Goes Mondays #56

Top Left Swoon Quilt by Sherry from Adventures in Life
Top Right Baby Quilts by Vicky from Vicki's Crafts
Bottom Right Dilly Dally Quilt by Lin from Lin's Quilts


Now its your turn to share with us what you've been busy with.

1. Link up ANY recent blog posts, it can be one or more, but PLEASE do not share blog posts you might have linked up in the past.
2. Somewhere in your blog post, you must link back here to my blog, OR grab the 'anything goes' button for you sidebar.
3. Try to visit at least a few of the other blogs linked, the whole point of having a party is to connect, share and maybe get a few new followers...remember to leave a comment to let them know you stopped by!

stitch by stitch

* My posts delivered to you *

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  1. Thanks for hosting the linky party, Marelize!

  2. Thank you for hosting this linky. I love to see what others are working on!


It is so nice of you for stopping by, I love to hear from everyone of you, so please feel free to leave a comment.

If you have a question I will try and respond via e-mail. Please make sure your blogger profile is linked to your e-mail, otherwise I wont be able to e-mail you back.

If you need to reach me feel free to e-mail me at marelizeries[at]gmail[dot]com

Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch