
Tuesday 15 April 2014

A Quilt for Kayleigh

Kayleigh's little quilt is finished, and I LOVE IT!!  


As I mentioned in last week's post my little girl is turning 3 on 18 April, and I wanted to capture a little something of her within the quilt.  I did not have anything specific to work with, she has no favorite colour yet, not one single toy that stands out, or one specific movie I could use as inspiration.  

But I really wanted to have something to remember her at 3 years old, so I decided on her hands.  Trapunto was the best technique to really make them stand out.  It was the first time I've tried it, and I really love the effect.  The design really pops.


free motion quilting

April is mid autumn here in South Africa, and in our region, Cosmos flowers spring up everywhere.  These flowers are also a wonderful reminder of Kayleigh's birth date.  So we took all of these pictures just outside of town between all the pretty colours... I think the quilt blended in perfectly in the background.  Even the blue sky and puffy white clouds helped bring out the colours of the quilt.

She had a lot of fun running around between all the flowers, its at times like these I wish I can freeze time.  She is at such an adorable age, everything is an adventure.  She has no fear!  She is such a loving child eager to give us all hugs and kisses, and she's very funny.. and even at this young age I already know she has a strong personality and she's very strong willed.. 

free motion quilting

I used all of my favorite free motion quilting designs in this quilt.  Swirls and pebbles in the center and feathers inside the border.  I also quilted figure 8's within the white sashing borders. I admit, those corners proved to be a bit tricky, not one ended up the same....




This little quilt finished at 52 inch square.

I think she will love her new quilt, especially as she grows each year, comparing her little hands to those of when she was 3....

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  1. it's a beautiful quilt! What a lucky lady. I love the colours and the quilting is just spectacular. The trapunto turned out so well, was it hard?

  2. It's beautiful Marelize; Kayleigh is going to be delighted. I wish you many happy returns of her birthday.

  3. This is a fantastic quilt. You MUST enter it in a show. It will be an award winner for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hi Marelize
    I love the quilting you have done on this - the hand-prints really make it individual, special and personal. I hope Kayleigh treasures it for the rest of her life.

  5. Beautiful quilt for a beautiful little girl :) They grow up SO fast! Freezing this moment in time is a great idea. Your quilting is amazing! This will truly be an heirloom she can treasure for a lifetime.

  6. Wow. It's even more stunning from a distance. Love it so much. I know she will cherish it forever.

  7. It is stunning! Great work!!!

  8. OH my gawsh you have just given me the most wonderful idea for gifts - thank you!!! The quilt is just lovely, and the little hand print, what a treasure!

  9. This is absolutely gorgeous! I have quilted my children's hands and now my grand children's hands but never thought to try I will want to give it a shot the next time! :)

  10. What a beautiful, beautiful quilt for a beautiful little girl!! The hands looks so neat on it and what memories this will create! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  11. Love it even more seeing it finished!!! Your work always inspires me! Please do link this up next week at Tuesday Archives as one of our themes will be Birthdays!

  12. It's just simply beautiful Marelize! She is going to treasure it! Well done!

  13. Just simply gorgeous! (Both Kayleigh and her new quilt!) Happy third birthday, Kayleigh!!!

  14. So pretty. That quilting is amazing.

  15. Hi Marelize, I love the quilt, I love the quilting and I can tell you poured your heart into it. its nice to see the back grounds of where you live and the cosmos too, mine dont do that here in Texas.. LOL, your little girl will cherish this and love you for it. Congrats on a hugh finish and Happy Birthday to your daughter..

  16. It's stunning Marelize and so full of meaning for both of you over the years to come. A big Happy Birthday to Kayleigh x :D

  17. Something tells me that we will see an outpouring of quilts with little poufy feet or hands in the next few months! What a delicious idea. The quilt is so gorgeous! Your quilting, as always, is just beautiful :)

  18. I loved what I saw of this quilt last week and I love it even more with a full view of it. The colors are beautiful. The white allow them to stand out. The quilting is also enhanced by this white. Very lovely!

  19. i love the quilt and the quilting is amazing…i have a photo on the board at work of the fields of cosmos, it was taken several years ago by my most wonderful friend Dr Karen Muir who was from south africa

  20. Your quilt is so beatiful!!! I really love it!! Great work and what prestent for your lovely daughter!!

  21. What a lovely little quilt for Kayleigh. Beautifully quilted and I love your idea of her little hands! She will treasure her quilt for many many years.

  22. I love this colors <3 It's a beautiful quilt!

  23. What a treasure you have made! Wonderful idea of the hand prints. Perfect! Beautiful quilt for a beautiful girl. And your quilting is beautiful.

  24. What's not to love! It's beautiful, fresh, and personable. Kayleigh is a very lucky little girl.

  25. Oh Marelize, this quilt is amazing! Your quilting is fabulous. Looks like a great day for an outing and a photo shoot.

  26. This is absolutely gorgeous, I am sure she will treasure her quilt. Well done!

  27. Love your quilt - it's beautifull.

  28. I've been watching your progress on this via IG. It is just amazing!

  29. Beautiful quilting! I love her hands surrounded by the other designs. Great idea and execution. Thank you for the inspiration.

  30. Your quilt and the quilting is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  31. I just adore this quilt!!! Both the piecing and the quilting - just perfect! I hope you don't mind if I use your quilting of the hands on a quilt or two or three!! It is fabulous! I may even try to copy your piecing...all right, I just want that whole quilt!!!!!

  32. Stunning quilt in a stunning setting. Love those hand prints. Cosmos are some of my favourite flowers too.

  33. A lovely quilt--the FMQ is just gorgeous!

  34. finally found your blog after following you already on instagram,
    your quilt is so incredible totally love your quilting and that you included your daughters handprint, so lovely

    Greetings Cornelia

  35. Your quilting is stunning! I quilted the shape of my daughter's hand on one of my quilts when she was 4- too cute! Happy Birthday to your Kayleigh!

  36. This is the most beautiful quilt...your daughter will cherish it forever. Such a lovely palette of colours, and the quilting is stunning. (PS. Your photography is great too!)

  37. What a brilliant idea to include her little hand prints in the quilting! I love it! Gorgeous work, Marelize. And the setting is perfect. Wowza!

  38. Amazing Quilt..She will treasure it I'm sure

  39. Love the idea of freezing time! This is a fabulous finish. And the pic of your daughter with the clouds is breath taking! Great photo.

  40. What a gorgeous quilt with a wonderful quilting!!!
    Greetings, Rike

  41. Beautiful quilt, and what a wonderful idea to use your daughter's own hand prints! You are right that she will enjoy years of comparing her growing hands to her little-girl hands.
    This is my first time visiting your blog, but I'm sure I'll be back! I live in the USA in South Dakota.

  42. Lovely work. I like how the hands are so prominent in the quilting. Great job!

  43. I know what you mean about freezing time! Great fun and pictures and the quilt I'll say again, what a great keepsake you are giving her!! Love it!

  44. I'm so happy to have this post/quilt archived under our Tuesday Archive birthday theme for future reference! Thanks for sharing Marelize!!

  45. Amazing quilt! Just found you via Oretty Bobbins ...I can't believe you have only been quilting for two years!

  46. It's really is truly beautiful Marelize!


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