
Thursday 10 April 2014

The Amazing Effects of Trapunto

Kayleigh will be celebrating her 3rd birthday this month.  So its no surprise that I am making her a quilt.  Her interests and tastes like favorite movie characters, or a favorite toy changes daily.  So to make her a themed quilt or a memory for her birthday was a hard choice. 

free motion quilting

But I really wanted to capture a little bit of her within the quilt.  So I decided on trapunto.  That is when you add a few extra layers of batting within the area you want to stand out.  And what better way to remember her at 3 years old than to use her little hands within the quilt.

I think it turned out beautifully..... I am not finished quilting just yet, but will share a finished real soon!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amazing) like Snowmen left his hands or maybe legs))

  3. What a fun idea! There is a scuplturelike feel in the quilt - beautiful :)

  4. What a great idea and an absolutely amazing quilt! Your quilting is beautiful. . . as usual ;) You are an inspiration!

  5. Adorable! Something she can cherish forever!

  6. Wow, you just made that quilt into a historical document! Love it.

  7. What! Those handprints are ingenious!!! I love it!!!

  8. Oh my goodness. This is gorgeous!!! And what a brilliant idea to start with! And then to add the extra thickness... In awe over here :-) it looks brilliant, and you've definitely captured the moment of her life.
    E xx

  9. This is just beautiful. What a talent you have!

  10. The handprint idea is so unique!! Great idea. LOVE it!

  11. Your quilting is just exceptional. I love your design, how wonderful to have Kayleigh's hand prints with trapunto work.
    Its just amazing and she is going to treasure this for years to come.
    Happy 3rd Birhtday to Kayleigh!

  12. Thanks for the quick explaination, I didn't know. It is so beautiful and a great way to capture her 2 yr old hand forever!!!

  13. Your quilt IS amazing, not just the technique. The hands you've created are stunning! And the whole quilting makes me think of a child in a bathtub full of bubbles, trying to catch them.
    Great workmanship!

  14. The quilt is fantastic. Would you consider a tutorial on how you added the extra batting?

  15. Marelize, what an effective way to capture this special time in her life! What a beautiful quilt, and the quilting is wonderful!

  16. What a brilliant idea and it looks absolutely amazing, I really love it.

  17. Stunning. What a perfect idea using her little paw prints as the main element. I adore the thoughts.

  18. Absolutely beautiful! I've never tried trapunto before, but this makes me want to give it a go.

  19. That is such a awesome idea! I love it! I can picture her over the years admiring her little hand prints.

    Beautiful gift.

  20. I just watched an episode of craft show that showed how to do this. I had never seen it before..and I will be giving it a try. I kind of did it once on a whale quilt I made and wanted to make the whales stand out so I stuffed a bit of batting in that area and it worked...I didn't know it had a name!It is such a cool effect.
    Cheri, the Quilting Nanny

  21. What an amazing quilt! How fun for her to look back and see her little hands. Just darling

  22. What a memory, treasure and incredible piece. Love It!!!

  23. Beautiful quilt. The hands really add interest and I love the way you combined the curls and pebbles for the background.

  24. Marelize, this is totally amazing! I really Love what you did here! Wishing I had thought to do the same with my daughter's quilt for Christmas!

  25. your quilting is just amazing! I love to see what you decide on a quilt. what a great idea with the hands on it!

  26. What a great idea! Love it. Your quilting is gorgeous.

  27. What a nice idea. Your quilting is stunning!

  28. I love this idea! The quilt looks beautiful and your quilting is fantastic. I can't wait to see it when it is finished.
    - Katelyn @ Sing While Crafting

  29. Absolutely love the quilting on this quilt!! You did a fabulous job and this quilt will be treasured forever!

  30. That has to be the best quilting idea I have seen yet! Congrats on once again out doing yourself in awesomeness :)

  31. Beautiful idea and beautiful quilting for a beautiful 3-year old. This will really be a treasured memory for her.

  32. This is truly amazing Marelize! I love the effect. Such a great way to keep the memory:)

  33. what a fabulous idea, and beautiful quilt!

  34. This quilt is GORGEOUS...and what a fantastic idea for the trapunto!!

  35. That is just too sweet, I love that effect, I really wish I was ore confident with my quilting not just my piecing so I could try fancy things like this. AMAZING work!

  36. Fantastic idea Marelize!! I'm loving the way this is coming out. Thanks so much for sharing. Karen


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