
Wednesday 6 March 2013

Lazy days, or NOT!

Some nights I will go to bed, and think 'tomorrow I want to do nothing!'  I'll wake up the next morning with that thought still clear in my mind, so I'll do what I need to, and just veg around.  Then out of the blue I'll get a sudden burst of energy and start pacing around the house, not in any real direction, I'll start clearing drawers or sort out cupboards.  

That's what happened yesterday when I started clearing out Kayleigh's old clothes and blankets.  I meant to do that for months now but I guess thinking about doing NOTHING made me do SOMETHING.

I found these flannel baby blankets.  When she was a newborn I used to wrap her up snug and tight in these and I could just not get myself to throw these out.  I suppose knowing she's our last baby, I felt a little guilty putting them in the pile with the rest of the stuff I was going to give away.

But then I started thinking, I could make a quilt out these?  I've never tried it, but have seen a lot people using flannel to make baby quilts, so why could I not recycle these?  A while ago I bought some flannel to make a whole cloth quilt for her and to practice FMQ so that will come in handy for the backing.  So I started cutting them up into 2½ inch strips.

I started piecing three strips together, cut out blocks of 6½ inches and made this quilt block.

These colours are very light which is probably not that suitable for my almost two year old, but hey, any excuse to quilt right?

If my calculations are correct with the amount of strips I got out, I will have twelve, 12½ inch blocks.  It wont be a very large quilt, which is perfect for her to drag around the house.  The season is changing slowly, so I'm certain she'll like to cuddle with it when winter arrives.

I'm linking up to WIP Wednesdays @ Freshly Pieced.

Happy quilting


  1. That is such a lovely idea. And I'm sure she'll love to have her own little blankie :-)
    And it looks adorable!

  2. I'm making myself a quilt out of 12 12 inch square blocks... There's just going to be strips in between them to add another foot and a half in either direction. It will be just the perfect size to cuddle up underneath and NOT share with anyone!

  3. I was curious to know what you were looking to make with flannel when I seen your question posted on facebook.... This is a great idea! And I don't blame you for not wanting to give up those blankets. The blocks look wonderful!

  4. That is so sweet. And the sentimental value of the quilt will be priceless.

  5. Awe, what a great idea! I only wish I had saved more of those precious little things. I was always giving things away to the next person in need, but now I see these ideas and wish I hadn't given it all away. I've started collecting their fun tshirts the last couple of years...but even those were given away before. =) Thanks for sharing.

  6. Omg! May I follow suit and use this idea!? Only all of our old flannel blankets are in blues ;) The neat thing is I used them with my 3 year old and then our 18 month old, so they are doubly faded, but oh-so-special. What a wonderful idea :)

  7. Lovely way to repurpose the blankets!

  8. how darling! She will love it!

  9. Repurposing - fantastic idea. It is going to be such a nice cuddly quilt.

  10. What a special treasure! Maybe she can use it for her daughter one day too :)


  11. dit gaan pragtigge kombersie wees!

  12. I know just that feeling, but there always seems to be something needing to be done! I always feel guilty crafting if there's housework to be done. Love what you have done with those sheets. Sure your little one will love it.

  13. This is going to be beautiful and has such sentimental value!!

  14. That is a wonderful idea. It looks great.


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