
Wednesday 20 March 2013

WIP Wednesday - Bring back my MOJO!

I have been having one of those weeks, where everything that can go wrong, does!

We were planning on going on holiday, but because of a wages strike at my husband's work, his leave got cancelled, grrr!  Now he's sort of on permanent standby, so our plans to go to the coast had to be cancelled.  The kids are even more disappointed, they have been really looking forward to it.

I don't even want to talk about what's been going on in my sewing room.  I am making silly mistakes!  I accidental stitched over the backing fabric.  Its luckily not a large area, so I had to rip out those stitches.

Not to mention the mistakes I've made fmq inside the red rectangle areas.  Lets see if you can pick up the directions of those feathers, the first few pictures does not show the errors, but its clearly visible on the last shot, oh boy...  

I just left it as it is.  I should have ripped those out too, but I feel so low and discouraged that I just don't have the strength to fix it.

Breath... breath... b r e a t h ! ! !

I'm linking up to WIP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced.

Happy quilting.


  1. Sorry you are having a bad week. I know you don't wanna hear it, but you are one of those people who's mistakes even look good. Praying for ya!

  2. I think it is corgeous anyway. I had to look really hard. If you hadn't told it I would not have noticed it.

  3. Your machine quilting is stunning, it's beauty overshadows the slight error. But I understand your disappointment that such a beautiful piece is not perfect. Have a great day!

  4. Awe, I think that it's truly beautiful...I'm sorry you're disappointed...hopefully it will be better soon.

  5. I've stitched over my backing fabric too. Twice on the same quilt. I was not impressed! Your work looks beautiful though. Hopefully your week will improve from here on out.

  6. No one would have paid much attention to those feathers. We all judge ourselves so harshly don't we? I recently did the same thing with my backing. I have started putting a small thread tack around the very edge now. Its nice too because when I square up the quilts for binding, the tacks get cut off and I don't have to worry about removing them.

  7. We all make mistakes and have to take a step back and breathe deep :-) I feel for ya been there done that. But it is still beautiful.

  8. Just know you are not alone...this happens to me on a regular basis, particularly when it is one of those projects that I really wanted to get right. Your quilting still looks is lovely to look at. Sometimes, I think it is better to just leave it and move on to the next project, rather then stressing over the mistake. Something I am still trying to master myself with variable success.

  9. I think we've all been to that place where everything that CAN go wrong DOES. The first thing that caught my attention about your quilting was the beautiful swirls and pebbles in the outside corners. And then the feathers looked nice and even, and then I noticed some were a little "backwards". What better way to learn than from our own mistakes? So easy for me to say! lol!

  10. You do know that if you didn't point it out, even other quilters wouldn't know about your mistakes? Your project is beautiful. Use it and love it, and if you can't, give it away and just make another one.

  11. Mistakes are there to learn from, your quilting is really lovely, u sould be pleased with yourself

  12. I hope things are looking more cheerful soon! The table topper is pretty. Your FMQ is so nice. I agree with Stella's comment.

  13. We all have some of those days. I dont undo much of my work unless it looks really bad. I would leave this piece just as is. In future you will have some lovely tales to tell about where and when you started quilting and also will be able to evaluate your work to see your progress. That is quite a eye opener to see where one started and then much further down your quilting journey. ps. I make dolls on request and these were for a neighbour's twin granddaughter's first birthday.


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Stitch by Stitch