
Tuesday 12 March 2013

WOW a 100 Followers... let's celebrate!

Oh my, this was such a wonderful surprise when I logged on to my blog this morning to see that I have reached the 100 followers mark.  This might not seem like a big deal to most, but when I started my blog I thought I would be lucky if I to get to 50.

I posted in the beginning of this year on Facebook that once I reach a 100 followers I will have a giveaway!  So as promised, I will give this bag as a little 'thanks' to celebrate.  Its a slight variation of my sewing/craft bag, only difference is the size of the front and side pockets.

Pattern available HERE
All you have to do is leave a comment here on this post telling me how long you've been quilting, and maybe what got you started.

This giveaway will be open until midnight Wednesday 13 March, and I will announce their name here on my blog on Thursday.  "True random number generator" will pick the winner.

If you're a 'no reply' or anonymous commenter, please PLEASE remember to include your email address in your comment so that I can contact you, should you win!  Unfortunately if you do not, I will be forced to pick another winner.

*Note*  All entries are welcome local and international, this giveaway it is open to  EVERYONE!!

Good luck.

Happy quilting


  1. Am I first? Oh my. I started quilting around the Bicentennial. I had always admired my grandmother's quilting and I was inspired by tradition of it. I still love the process of making quilts. Thanks so much for the chance to win this basket and congratulations on having 100 followers.

  2. I started quilting about 10 years ago. I'm not sure why I started other than I love quilts. After my first one and saw the results, I was hooked.
    BTW..........Congrats on the 100 followers!!

  3. Awe, Congratulations!!! I know that starting out, it sometimes seems like 100 will never come. =)

    I think I made my first quilts as gifts for my sisters...2 or 3 years after I was over 10 years ago. I've been sewing much longer...but only worked on clothes before that. I prefer quilting. =)

    Thanks again for a great giveaway!

  4. I started quilting via a free Internet tutorial in about 2006. I love scrappy type quilts and those very stark geometric traditional patterns. Needless to say I became completely hooked in no time at all...the possibilities are just endless. Congrats on your 100 followers.

  5. Congratulations! I started quilting around six years ago, I made some quilted playmates for babies of good friends. Then I took a patchwork class and made a sampler quilt for my daughter when I was pregnant with her three years ago. It wasn't until about twelve months ago that I got totally hooked on quilting :)

  6. Congratulations on 100 followers! I am a newbie. I've only just begun a table runner that I'm scared to finish. ;) What got me started? Wonderful blogs with easy tutorials and gorgeous quilts!

  7. I blame (Cherish) my mother! for introducung me to the quilting world. With a newborn, my mother thoughtI needed to get out and do something for me. Well I am still doing it for me 23 years later! Congradualtions on your 100th Follower and am happy to say I have been following you for awhile now! Thank You For all your sharing! Don't you love this quilty world?

  8. I have been quilting for 32 years now. I had always been interested in quilts and loved to sew but never really made a quilt. It was when I started a new job and out of my window I could see a quilt shop and drove by it everyday. And everyday it just seemed to say "come visit me". Well, I did and that was all it took to get me hooked.

  9. Congrats on your blog success! I touched a sewing machine for the first time when my husband went to Iraq for his first deployment. My mom thought I needed something to keep my mind occupied. I have been sewing and quilting daily ever since {It was always in my family, just took me a while to pick it up]

    Thanks for all the inspiration Marelize!

  10. Congrats! I love your blog and the bag! I have been quilting off and on for a few years now. I almost quit because I didn't think I could quilt my own quilts unless I did it by hand (my lapsized quilt that I did by hand took me 8 months!) Now I have learned that I can machine quilt at home and your blog inspires me! Thank you!

    1. Me too! I thought I would have to either spend months hand quilting a quilt with one of those big room size hoops, or spend thousands on a long arm! That thinking halted me from learning for years even though I longed to quilt!!!

  11. congratulations!!! I officially started quilting about a year and a half ago, but I have made a couple handful of tie quilts over the years(since I was 20). I had no clue what I was doing and totally guessed. With the help of the internet, and blogging, I'm learning A LOT! I should also say, I have been wanting to learn to quilt ever since I can remember.

  12. Congratulations! That is a big accomplishment! I started sewing/quilting about 5 years ago and never looked back! I started my blog about a year ago and it's been so great to connect with other quilters as well... Thanks for the great giveaway :)

  13. Congratulations, Marelize! Love your blog and admire your quilting! I have been quilting for a little over a year, since making a quilt for my daughter, on my new Janome. My mother and her mother made tied quilts. I remember seeing them set up in a quilting frame. But I did not have much of an interest back then.

  14. I don't know if you have me counted in your followers, but I follow in Google Reader.

    I made my first quilt in the early 70s. At that point I had never seen a quilt anywhere except in books and magazines. I made it quilt as you go and putting it together using the methods of the time was a disaster. My daughter loved it to death anyway.

    Quilting was something that I kept coming back to over the decades, but doing them by hand took decades. These days I'm doing smaller projects, but by machine.

  15. It's hasn't been that long, but I remember quilting with my mom. It's only been about seven years. I jumped right in with both feet and love it.

  16. Congratulations!!
    I've been quilting for about 10 years but sewing for much longer!
    I started because I wanted to make my mum a quilt as she was going into a nursing home.

  17. woo hoo 100 followers!! Thanks for the chance! I am new to quilting and have only been doing it for a few years.

  18. I am a virgin quilter I would very like to start but have yet to dip my toes in the water.

  19. I began quilting about 5 yrs ago, when my kids started giving me grandbabies..Congrats on 100 bloggy buddies..

  20. Congratulations! I've been quilting for about 3 years now. I love it! I've been sewing much longer than that. I got started with a wall hanging, I thought that would let me know if I like it or not. It was so WONKY!!! I'm better now!

  21. I've only JUST started, partially because of you! I haven't even finished my first block yet... but I HAVE started! Cutting all those squares took such a long time.

  22. Congratulations!!!!
    I am new to quilting and I have make 4 quilts so far...

  23. I have been quilting over 40 years. My Grammy started me very young :-)

  24. Congratulations on your blog - it is very enjoyable. I have been quilting for 27 years since I was a young bride who moved to a new city and wanted to meet new people. I have since logged over 200 quilted projects from quilts to jackets to wallhangings and love every minute. I have met wonderful friends along the way.

  25. Congrats on the growth of your blog!! I will be anxious to see what your numbers are one year from now. I'm sure it will be amazing. I have been sewing since I was in the 7th grade and made my first quilt with my mother, who did not like to sew but did it very well, for my sister when she was married in the late 70's. After that, my first quilting projects were vests that I made in the late 90's and sold at craft fairs. I have only started doing more quilting in the last four years. I'm learning so much from all the new people I'm now meeting online.

  26. I've been quilting for about 17 years now. I got started with it when I moved to Geneva and wanted a change from cross-stitch. So glad I did. Boy did I get a change - be careful what you wish for! :-)

  27. Wonderful! Congratulations on your followers. I cant remember exactly but it was several years ago when I went to a quilt show at the local school hall and immediately fell in love with what I saw.

  28. thanks for the giveaway. thats a cute bag.

    I started about 4 years ago. some friends and i had been taking pottery. one of them found out she was pregnant and needed to stop and wanted to take quilting. I decided to join her (and then found out i was pregnant too!)

    I took lessons the whole 9 months I was pregnant and then started to go out on my my own after my son was born. I completed many more quilts after leaving the lessons and wasnt stuck to what the teacher thought was best (she had very specific ways that things should be done)

    1. oh and its debbie.debaeremaeker at gmail dot com

  29. Congrats on 100 followers! WHOOT WHOOT! Thanks for the chance!

  30. I'm now following taking you to 104. Congratulations. I've been quilting for 20 something years but not very prolifically. Two of my three daughters have left home now so hopefully that will improve.

  31. Good evening!. My name is Victoria and I'm writing this comment from Valencia (Spain) and here it's still 22.09 hours so I hope I'm able to enter this giveaway, I hope!!!. Well I started quilting about six years ago but with some stops in time during all those years. I have sewed some things. My mail is, many thanks for this giveaway and congratulations!

  32. I started quilting when I was about 12, so 36 years ago (oh dear) and it was hexagon scraps that I made into a large pillow for my bed. Then I stopped for a bit with the quilting (about 25 years' break) and have only recently taken it up again because of my friend Jen-down-the-road.
    Thanks for the chance to win your lovely bag...and congrats on the 100 followers.
    Helen x

  33. I've been quilting since 2005 when I walked into a quilting store to buy a little bit of fabric for a completely different project. Then I went back to have another look. And another... And another. Definitely fabric is what got me hooked, but I love every stage of making a quilt now.


It is so nice of you for stopping by, I love to hear from everyone of you, so please feel free to leave a comment.

If you have a question I will try and respond via e-mail. Please make sure your blogger profile is linked to your e-mail, otherwise I wont be able to e-mail you back.

If you need to reach me feel free to e-mail me at marelizeries[at]gmail[dot]com

Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch