
Wednesday 17 April 2013

Lots and lots of hexies.

When my parents where here a few months ago, I mentioned to my mom that I needed a 'hand' project to keep busy at night.  For some reason I find it so boring watching tv lately, that's when I decided to start piecing one inch hexies.

So I started cutting out templates and sorted out scraps.  My mom then volunteered to help.  So I prepared a bag with scraps and templates that she took home with her.  Here she is (left) at her home sorting out all the hexies by colour and prints.  This picture was taken about a month ago and she already has over a 1000 basted in total.  She even went out and bought extra fabric to help this project along.  I love her to bits ♥♥

I too have been busy basting hexies but I don't have nearly as much.  Here is a post I wrote with some useful links to create your own templates, not only for hexies but other shapes too.  

So I eventually ran out of templates and on Monday I printed out some more and started the tedious job of cutting them out.  It took a whole day to cut out 20 A4 pages.  My thumb was so sore and tender after, that I decided stop.  I can carry on another day.

I now have a little over 400 hexies basted and still counting.  The plastic container I used was completely full, so I moved them to a larger one.

It looks so empty now...

2½ inch pieces of fabric
I am linking up WIP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced.

Happy quilting.


  1. Honey, I feel for your poor thumbs. You need a die cutting machine like the Big Shot (talk to your stampin up sister)! I have a die by Sizzix that cuts 48 paper hexies with 1 inch sides in one pass (takes about a minute). If this is your size, pm me your address and I will send you some! You can also get a bigger die that cuts the larger suitable sized hexagons (1.5 inch sides) out of fabric.

  2. Those hexies are looking pretty cool. You're so organized.Way to go girl!

  3. So now you need to start sewing those lovely little hexies together. Do you have a finished vision in mind?

  4. Wow....that is a lot of hexies....can wait to see what you do with them!

  5. Wow, that's.. wow... I wish my mum could/would do that for me. :)

  6. Wow, that's a lot of hexies! I can imagine cutting them would be tiresome after one page, I'm tired. Tiara's got a great idea.

  7. Looks great, Marelize! I have the same question as Karen.... Do you have a plan? I wish now that I had been started on a project like this when we had no electricity! Great to see your mom was helping out... Aren't moms wonderful?!!

    1. At the moment I'm not trying to over think it too much, the idea was to go for a scrappy look, pieces of fabric at random. I suppose once I have enough, I will play around with placement. I'll worry about it once I get there.. :-)

  8. Exciting! All that potential just waiting to be created into something wonderful!

  9. Wow! That is a lot of little hexies. I have been wanting to try paper piecing hexies but on a much smaller scale. =)

  10. Dang, that's a lot of work! Can't wait to see what you make of them!

  11. Oh wow! So many beautiful hexies!

  12. Marelize jy kan die hexies met pritt baste. Die papier kom maklik los later. Jy kan die papier en materiaal met die rolsnyer sny. Eers stroke, dan teen n 60grade hoek die breedte van die strook en dan die puntjies af met jo patroonplaat. Staple n klomp papier aanmekaar en sny n klomp lae op n slag. Maar jy wil nie noodwendig vinniger werk nie. Hoe jy dit ook doen, dit lyk belowend!

  13. gosh - that's a lot of hexies!!!!! Your mum is a superstar! On my current EPP project I used a Sewline glue pen to stick the fabric to the paper and it works like a dream....apparently a bit of steam from an iron loosens the glue. Also, not sure if you've seen anywhere but punching a hole in the middle of the hexies makes them easier to remove at the end? I'm about to do some hexies for my latest skill builder block and I'm going to attempt running stitch them together just to try something different. See what happens!

  14. I found sewing the hexagrams together to be something I could do while watching TV. I also found that I didn't need anywhere as many as I originally thought. I bought my "papers". They were made out of a thick paper, not quite cardboard sized, which made it very easy to baste the fabric, but not the paper. It made an even better project.


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