
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Lucky Stars BOM - April "Black Hole Star"

Usually before I even start planning my BOM's for the Lucky Stars BOM, I would read up on the flickr group for any issues anyone might have with the block, trouble with seams not lining up, cutting instructions etc.  I found no comments or discussions so I went right on ahead and picked my fabrics and started cutting.

It being so close to the next BOM, and so many blocks already made by others, and because there was not any updated emails notifying us of mistakes with the pattern I thought it'd be safe to carry on.  I was just a tad bit upset after cutting all my fabrics, pieced half of the block when I found that there where two pieces of fabric that was one inch smaller than it should have been.  I went back to the instructions thinking that I made a mistake, but there it was written clearly, some of the pieces had a one inch difference and both should have been the same size.  So it meant that I had to start from scratch.  I'm making this quilt all out scraps, so the colours and prints I wanted to use was already cut and just enough for this block.  If it was larger than the instructions it would have been a different story.  If not for time I've already spent piecing I guess it would have been okay, making a block using this technique really takes hours.,.... sigh!

So, ...let me not complain to much about it, what's done is done, and I do like what I've ended up with.  Now at least I will know to look twice before even starting, regardless if anyone has posted concerns or not.

After piecing the separate sections, we had a choice of two different layouts.  'A' which is the  original placement and 'B' another variation.   

Layout 'A' Left - Layout 'B' Right

I liked 'B' the most, but felt that the light pink fabric was just too bright, and I think for it to have really worked it should have been a neutral subtle colour to not draw attention away from the center star.  So I went with 'A'.

As with all the other BOM's I used the scraps that was left after making the 12½ inch block to make the 6½ inch block.

The only thing that worries me a tiny bit, is all the bulk of fabric that comes together at most of the points.  I actually broke a needle going over one of the points of the star, I guess when I quilt it I'll have to try and move around it rather than stitch over it.

To see the other BOM's I've made you can find them all HERE.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced.

Happy quilting


  1. Those blocks are really sweet, Marelize. I am drawn to the paper piecing process and will have to try it. This seam problem reminds me of the pinwheel block. I quilted a flower motif with the center of the flower encircling the large bulk in the middle. Looking forward to seeing your stars quilted up!

  2. Really pretty blocks!

  3. Beautiful! I love block 'B'. How frustrating about the instructions being wrong. I haven't done a BOM before, it seems fun!

  4. Those are great, love the colors! I really like how the smaller one is hanging on point.

  5. Must have been very frustrating to find things didn't work out but I think your blocks have come out beautifully. I was planning on doing layout B for mine but now having seen yours I may go for A after all. I'm way behind with my blocks which is a drag but in this case it's worked to my advantage.

  6. Great idea using the scraps to make a smaller block. Love these blocks!

  7. Your fabric combo is wonderful!! Really love your blocks.


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Stitch by Stitch