
Friday 21 June 2013

Just a bit overwhelmed

I decided to take a week practicing some random free motion quilting that I'm comfortable with, thinking that once I have the baby quilt I'm working on sandwiched and ready for quilting that I'll know  exactly  what I want to quilt and where.  Now more than before I am at a loss, I just cant decide.  Hopefully once I have it tucked underneath my machine I'll know exactly what I want to do..

At least the practicing turned, what would have been just another sample ending up in my drawer, into something pretty.  During the week I showed you how this little Dresden Plate was 'born' out of some scraps my Mom gave me from a quilt she made a few years ago.  The finished Dresden Plate sampler measures 20 x 17 inches.  

It is filled with lost of different fmq, I even tried to be creative with one of the feathers.  Admittedly I enjoy quilting feathers but I guess I should stick to what I know instead of trying to be fancy.  It came out fine I guess, but I prefer it being simple and curvy and not so dramatic.

I did have fun making this, my oldest Son even suggested I make another to hang beside it, we'll see, for now I have to get busy binding the baby quilt and seriously start planning out what I want to quilt.  Any suggestions?

Linking up to:  

Happy quilting.


  1. Your FMQ looks very pretty. I love all the patterns/designs together, they really make your little dresden extra special. I especially am enamoured with the wee little 'cinnamon bun' swirls, I think they are just so sweet!

  2. I was visiting you from find a friend friday. I realised I have enjoyed some of your posts before. I am you newest bloglovin follower

  3. Marelize jou kwiltwerk is pragtig soos altyd.

    Ek kwilt my "komberse" heelwat minder. Hoe meer die watteersel saam gepers is (met baie kwiltwerk) hoe minder warmte bied dit. Vere is dikwels na my mening 'n goeie keuse- dit bied mooi tekstuur, altyd 'n pragtige ontwerp en hou die drie lae effektief op mekaar selfs al was jy die kwilt dikwels. Dan elimineer ek die digte agtergrond kwiltwerk- selfs al laat dit die vere meer tot hul reg kom, om 'n warmer kombersie te verseker. As dit natuurlik net dekoratief is- ja kwilt dit dan soos jou hart begeer- as jy net kan besluit?

  4. Marelize, this little quilt is really a wonderful showcase of your awesome FMQ! the way you blended all of the different FMQ styles is so cool! Thank you so much for linking this to Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  5. Marelize your quilting is stupendous... be fussy with it ... it looks fabulous!! Do you longarm or use a domestic machine for your fmq??? LOVE IT! Found you on Confessions blog :) Subscribed here and on fb! Kathi

  6. I think your FMQ is awesome!!! Love all of it!!!

  7. Your Dresden quilt is another fine piece of art. And it's beauty is a reflection of how much you enjoy quilting. I am certain you will be likewise inspired when the baby quilt speaks to you under the needle.


  8. Such a beautiful quilt and fmq. Awesome! Compliments!

  9. This is just gorgeous!

  10. Your quilting is just amazing! Love it!
    How about Leah Day's heart paisley design for the baby quilt. May be you can use that in the center of the big squares. For sashing I like Angela walters figure 8s :

    Can't wait to see how it quilt the baby quilt.

  11. All I can say is wow, if that is practice I can't wait to see your other work

  12. Such beautiful quilting! I have always loved the classic look of white on white quilting and the splash of color from the Dresden Plates really make this piece pop! I love it!

  13. Your quilting is beautiful! I love how all the designs look so great together. Gorgeous work!!

  14. I really like that quilting. The feathers are fantabulous!!! Good luck with the baby quilt - something will come to you!

  15. I'm curious--it sounds like you bind your quilt before quilting it. How does that work? I sure wish I could FMQ half as beautifully as you do!

  16. It's so beautiful...

    lg, Katharina

  17. gorgeous! I wish I could make something as beautiful. I need to bite the bullet and take a class.

  18. Every posting of yours is a treat. What strikes me as the strength of your practice piece is how you quilted various motifs, such as those inspired by feathers and the Dresden Plate. I would think of things that you would like to accent to place in the blocks and then fill around them just as you have done. My vote would be to balance the work, but not center, just as you have done in your practice. Think I Spy for the FMQ.


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If you need to reach me feel free to e-mail me at marelizeries[at]gmail[dot]com

Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch