
Friday 12 July 2013

At last...

...I can move on to quilting the borders.  Whenever I step back and look at what I've quilted so far, I am amazed.  Sure it took a bit longer than expected, but its all down hill from now.  My quilting is not perfect, but it blends into the fabric so well, that it is not even noticeable if my swirls ended up a bit wonky or is not completely even spaced, it still looks good to me.  I love this quilt!

As I removed the quilt from my machine I noticed that I've missed one block's sashing, so after I am done with that I can start quilting the borders.  I am really excited to start, I have decided on feathers, but because there are appliqued hearts I am going to keep them small, moving from one heart to the next, and filling up the space with random swirls and pebbles.  Its still a thought process, so I am sure once I get there, I'll know exactly how it will all fit in.

I recieved a comment today on Instagram from Rene Sharp at  Stamping in Sunny SA and she said:  "I want to quilt like you one dayand for me its probably the best compliment ever!  Thanks so much to everyone supporting me, reading my blog, leaving comments and following along on my progress.  It means the world to me!

If you are interested to read more about this baby quilt, click HERE.

Happy quilting.


  1. I saw your blog link on the Quilting group in facebook. Feel free to add me as well. Great job with the free motion quilting :)

  2. Lovely quilting, Marelize, and such lovely pastel colours.

  3. This is coming along really beautiful!

  4. Such a nice colors and quilting!

  5. The fabric colors and quilting just meld together so nicely. Fun, isn't it?

  6. Your quilting is gorgeous! I always love to visit your blog and see your beautiful work.

  7. wow! you're moving right along on this one and it looks great! Thanks for linking up at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  8. That is a beautiful quilt. Love the swirls!

  9. That is absolutely beautiful.

    ♥ღ♥ -licher Gruß
    Klaudia (Germany)

  10. Gorgeous Marelize and just check out your stitches in that last photo - all so perfect, just wonderful :)

  11. Wow, this is just wonderful. Lovely quilting.

  12. Swirlingly beautiful! ;-)
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  13. This is gorgeous...I love the quilting. Would you be willing to share your machine set up for quilting? There are so many different techniques out there and I notice you have the same machine so I would love to know...feed dogs up or down, pressure, foot type, tension, etc. thanks!

  14. A really beaitful quilting! The spirals look perfect.

  15. Great FMQ and great quilt! I love the fabric

  16. I was just thinking the same thing about your quilting as that quote. Love it!

  17. I was away this weekend, so I missed this blog post. Just seen it now!! So nice to see my name mentioned on your lovely blog!!! I mean what I said. It's great to see your setup, and what machine you are using. I have mostly used straight line quilting up til now, only made 2 quilts using the stippling method (and I found it awfully stressful), and haven't yet tried the lovely fancy swirls and flowers etc that you use. Now that I have discovered your blog, I hope to try my hand at these new techniques soon xx

  18. What a sweet and beautiful baby quilt! Your quilting is amazing....and the fact that it came from your home machine is outstanding.


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If you have a question I will try and respond via e-mail. Please make sure your blogger profile is linked to your e-mail, otherwise I wont be able to e-mail you back.

If you need to reach me feel free to e-mail me at marelizeries[at]gmail[dot]com

Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch