
Wednesday 3 July 2013

Slowly does it...

Unfortunately, I did not make a lot of progress working on this baby quilt this week.  This past Sunday, I hurt my left wrist playing golf.  I think it was about 6 years ago that I was quite a regular on the golf course, admittedly I was not great, but I enjoyed it.  So ever since my husband started playing recently I wanted to take it up again.  I guess I was far to eager to get back into it, and did not warm up properly...

So I've been working at a snails pace, quilting really small sections at a time.  I am using Machingers quilting gloves, which helps a lot with gripping, but because I keep my hands parallel to the needle,  and the angle at which my hand sits on the quilt, I cant quilt for too long.

At least I had finished all the large blocks with stippling and the white sashing with circles.  This morning it feels a tad bit better, so I will see how it goes today, it is so frustrating when all I want to do is carry on, hopefully before the week is over all will be as it should be, and I can carry on.

Thanks for stopping by, for my regular readers and those who link up on my 'Anything Goes' linky party, thanks so much for taking part, its always a treat seeing what everyone is up to, and for all comments.  

Happy quilting.


  1. Sorry to hear you hurt your wrist. As much as you want to work on this sweet quilt, I do hope you will try your best to give it time to heal and not overdo it! We want you to be good as new!

    The stippling and circles look super. This will give you time to decide just exactly what you want to do in the other blocks....


  2. Beautiful quilting and i love the soft colors in your quilt!! I hope your wrist feels better sooner rather than later!!

  3. That's going to be a very special quilt when you've finished it. Sorry to hear about your wrist - I agree with Lorna's comment above about making sure you give it plenty of time to rest.

  4. Oh dear, hope it feels better soon. I know what it's like when you're busting to get going!! You quilt is looking lovely....

  5. Take it easy and things will work out. Your quilt is just adorable. Great work on your quilting.

  6. Ouch, sorry to hear about your wrist! Hopefully you will be back to normal in no time!

    I am stopping by from the WIP hop, hop on by if you can

  7. Bummer about your wrist! Take it easy and don't rush it:) You are doing fantastic. Best Wishes.

  8. its still looking great! i have irritated my hand/wrist/arm, too. slow sewing for a while! hope you get better soon.

  9. Hope you're wrist feels better soon. I am really loving how this quilt is coming together. Can't wait to see the finished result!

  10. Your stippling is so good even with a bad wrist! I hope your wrist feels better soon.

  11. I hope your wrist is feeling better today! Your FMQ is wonderful, as ever!
    esthersipatchandquilt dot yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  12. Hi Marelize, I have just discovered your blog, so nice to see a Fellow South African with such a nice crafty blog!! Your quilting is amazing!! What machine do you use? I am really battling with mine, it is a Bernette 92C, and it really battles with bulky seams, and of course the throat is tiny! I would love for you to let me know, and here is the link to my blog


  13. Marelize, I hate to hear that you hurt your wrist! I hope it feels better very soon. Your quilting on this is just gorgeous, as usual! Thank you so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  14. Sorry that you hurt your twist, but the quilting is very nice!

  15. Your quilting is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Sorry about your wrist:( I hurt my thumb a few months back and it won't heal properly. It keeps popping. My handwriting is a mess these days because of it. Glad to see your wrist didn't mess with the beauty of your FMQ.

  16. Marelize, that is beautiful quilting and a lovely quilt! Whoop whoop!! (And I hope your wrist feels better soon...)

  17. Your quilting looks lovely.

  18. So sorry to hear about your hand Marelize, I'm only just seeing your post now as I'm incredibly behind with my blog reading and I'm blaming the new job for that! The quilt, however, is looking simply gorgeous and I hope you're back to full speed very soon :) x

  19. Sorry to hear about your hand - the quilting still looks gorgeous!

  20. So very sweet! Looking great.


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If you have a question I will try and respond via e-mail. Please make sure your blogger profile is linked to your e-mail, otherwise I wont be able to e-mail you back.

If you need to reach me feel free to e-mail me at marelizeries[at]gmail[dot]com

Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch