
Friday 30 August 2013

Pansy Doily

My Mom has the most beautiful crochet center pieces in her home, and one of my many wonderful childhood memories of her, is when she would crochet for days and weeks on end the most beautiful pieces.  Some large enough to cover a large dining room table.   So this week I was very inspired by her, and in part by so many crochet blogs I've visited.

I was looking to make something small and not too complicated to try.  I've never made a doily and the last thing I wanted was to start one and midway get lost or stuck, so it had to be easy.  So I pinned this link on pinterest, the pattern is called Pansy Doily by Yellow Pink and Sparkly.  The pattern itself is simple and the instructions is clear and easy to follow.  Which was exactly what I wanted, since I don't have much experience in crochet. 

In the beginning my left hand cramped up a bit, but once I got a better grip holding the yarn, and twisting it around my little finger it went a lot easier from there.

I think this will be the first of many to come.

Happy crocheting.

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  1. Wow! this is so beautiful! My mom too was a good at crocheting! I always admired it but never got into it yet ;).

    You did an awesome job!

  2. Wow, I love it!!!!!Thank you for the link!
    Marisa from

  3. Ooo...oooh so it!! I have to make a dolly for my sewing group challenge and it is amazing that I have found this on your blog. Thank you so much I will be trying it out. Your crochet is beautiful and I will be excited to see more. Thank you!!! Marie (

  4. That is just beautiful! I have made many doilies but I've never made one with separate flowers like that. I'm glad you showed the pictures of the flowers being made. I'm going to have to try that!

  5. Wow, I'm totally amazed by your crochet. My mom used to crochet, also, doing all kinds of table toppers and such. I have a few of them. I never took it up, preferring my sewing machine. You pretty work gives me hope for myself. . . someday!

  6. So dainty and pretty! I'm not a huge doily fan but I love those little flowers. The one thing I've wanted to learn crochet for was to make dainty little snowflakes to starch and put on my Christmas tree. Someday I'll do it.


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