
Friday 20 September 2013

Modern Quilt Blocks Progress

This past week there has been a sudden change in the weather.  We're not even one month into spring, and temperatures has already shot up to +30°C.  Now don't get met wrong, I love summer!  It's just that temperatures gradually rise, but this time its a sudden change, and it takes some getting used to.  

So time spent in my sewing room was a lot less this week.  But I have made some progress with my, hopefully modern quilt.

I've added two more blocks.  Improv piecing takes a bit of concentration, especially working out the added seam allowances.  But it's surprisingly easy and straight forward, I guess since these blocks are mainly squares and rectangles, it eliminates most of the guess work.  I am not entirely sure if the yellow fabric works well with the rest of the prints.  I think once I have a more structured puzzle I will know if it will fit in with the rest of the quilt.

The block I made this afternoon (below) is so far my favorite.  I like the small square inside the larger squares.  There are two other pieced blocks that I've made (not shown) that I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to add yet, they appear too busy.  

I am quite excited to get this quilt top done, I can just imagine the quilting possibilities.  The idea is to add a lot of white fabric around these blocks, creating a lot of negative space to quilt.

...and then.. 

as I was preparing supper, waiting for the water to boil, I sat at the kitchen table, and started doodling.  Something I used to do quite often.  Lots of free motion quilting designs in ink.  By the time I had doodled about half of this picture, I realized the water must have been boiling for quite some time, almost half of it was gone...  I can get completely lost with my own thoughts.  Its very relaxing.  Luckily it was just water :-)

Have a great weekend!

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  1. You do beautiful work. I just dont like yellow period, but with your skills I am sure it will be beautiful... I just cant get passed that beautiful heart quilt as I am sewing for my new granddaughter due in NOV.. I wish I had more time, but I am sitting a 1,2,&3 yr old...... may I say more. I am lucky to have them here with me.

  2. Looks nice. Love doodling FMQ designs too. Very relaxing:)

  3. I love the color palette of this quilt.

  4. Oooh they look great. Love your zentangling too.. there's some FMQ ideas for the quilt!

  5. Lovely doodling, looking forward to seeing it turn into quilting :)


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