
Friday 13 September 2013

Stepping out of my comfort zone..

Just in case you where wondering, NO, I have not disappeared off of the face of the earth.  I am going though a bit of a creative slump these past few weeks.  I have felt anything but inspired.  And its rather depressing, which is very surprising since the weather is changing and getting warmer each day.

So, in the hope that something will trigger and inspire me to create, I made up a fat quarter sandwich and just started quilting random free motion quilting designs.  It certainly has a therapeutic and relaxing effect on me, so I knew something had to happen after a bit of quilting.

I guess it worked a bit, because then I immediately wanted to try something I have never done before.  Completely stepping out of my comfort zone, not following along a pattern or tutorial.  

Improv piecing with a modern twist.  Now, I am not entirely sure if it completely meets the criteria, but I like what I have come up with so far.

The idea I have is to create a few random blocks, and to fill the spaces between with white fabric, creating a lot of negative quilting space.

This is not necessarily the layout I am going to end up with, I might still rotate these blocks or swap them around.  I like it so far, and am quite eager to get it done.  I am however not going to rush this process.

I am using the 'Textures' range from Art Gallery Fabrics together with a few solids I have in my stash.

I hope you will have some input steering me into the right direction, what do you think, is this 'modern'?

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  1. OH YES! I love it, very modern. I love your random quilting too! Fabulous!

  2. The free motion looks great! And I love the modern block/ units. And they look pretty modern to me?! The transparency thing in the first block (where the grey and aqua intersect) makes it particularly interesting! cheers, Claire W.

  3. Totally modern. sometimes life gets in our creative way and you just have to step back and play. Looks like it worked! Can't wait to see it quilted.

  4. Your FMQing would put anyone in a happy mood - it is just gorgeous! I can't wait to see some of it on that very modern looking piecing.

  5. Yes! It's modern! Although anything we quilt these days seems modern to my grandmother :) It's all relative! I would love a bite your quilt sandwich ... lol :)

  6. Great quilting Marelize, absolutely love it. You are doing what I enjoy best - making it up as you go along and filling a fat quarter size sandwich. It is so relaxing. And yes, it's modern.

  7. I am always in such awe of your free motion quilting!

  8. Your free motion quilting is stunning! As for your quilt? Very modern and just gorgeous. I love the fabrics, and can't wait to see the finish. Yeah for your rekindled creativity!

  9. Great quilting Marelize, absolutely love it. You are doing what I enjoy best - making it up as you go along and filling a fat quarter size sandwich. It is so relaxing. And yes, it's modern.

  10. This is great! I can't wait to see how everything comes together. Love your FMQ!

  11. all I can say is WOW. Your quilting is just stunning, Marelize! and I love the improv with the negative space. Neat idea!

    I'm so glad you linked up with Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  12. Yes, that is definitely modern looking. Your quilting is just awesome!

  13. your quilting is beautiful!!! and I love the improve, it's something I've wanted to try out, but it is so out of my comfort zone as well!

  14. Great freemotion piece. I hope you use it to make something or frame it, it's wonderful.
    I like your random blocks and hope to see what you do with it.

  15. Your quilting is awesome! I'd add a tiny bit of black into your design - think it would make it pop. JMO.

  16. Modern, modern! And your FMQ will be delightful I that white space! Kudos on breaking out of the slump ;)

  17. I love the blocks! Beautiful quilting!

  18. You have done a marvelous job with the free motion quilting and the blocks you are making truly have a "modern" look.


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Thanks so much for reading
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