
Thursday 7 November 2013

Asymmetrical HST Quilting Progress

Have you ever started a project and about halfway through you step back, look at what you've done, and thought to yourself, 'this is not what I thought it would look like?'

Well this is exactly how I am feeling right now looking at the progress I've made quilting this asymmetrical hst (half square triangle) quilt.  I was so eager and excited since this was my first design (you can read about it HERE), that I immediately started quilting.

I had a set image in my mind of what it might look like, and I loved the quilting design I had in mind and really thought it through before I started.  I honestly thought it would look great.  

But now that I'm stepping back and really looking at the quilt, I am second guessing myself.  I know, ... I know, we are own worst critics, but seriously, it is bugging me!

Sure it looks okay, but I think that what I have quilted so far, is 'ugly'.  The  pebbles aren't even, the straight lines aren't uniform and even the stitches itself is just not pretty.  I've checked and double checked the tension and its perfect, front and back...

I think I like the back more than the front :-)

It cant be that I'm rushing, I don't get that much time to quilt anyway, my little one is keeping me so busy wanting to be outdoors most the day, so I don't get that much time to quilt.  When I do, its short periods, so I don't think its concentration lapses?  Maybe its because I'm not quilting long periods, that my mind is not fully focused on what I am doing.

This quilt will be a wall hanging, so it would be in plain view, seeing all the little mistakes all the time.  Could or would you be happy to hang something for everyone to see if you are not entirely happy with what you've made...?

Maybe once I'm done, blocked, bound and hanging on the wall I might feel differently...

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  1. You are definitely being hard on yourself. It looks fantastic!

  2. Oh my Marelize.... The quilt and the quilting are stunning -- REALLY! Let me just say - WE are own own worst enemies and critics. When your friends and family and blogging buddies look at this we think "Oh my goodness isn't that just beautiful!".... REALLY ! Please, please, please put it aside until tomorrow and then come back and cherish the beautiful work you've completed. You've done a fantastic job.

    BTW: The Winter Apple that I am working on now is bugging me -- and I think I know why (well, one of the reasons...) The thread that I used is too thick.. with too much buildup. If your thread is thick, you might be unhappy with your bubbles because of the backtrack. But honestly, when you step away from it and look at it, it really is beautiful. The lines, the design, the dimension... it's perfect!! Back to thread now.... What did you use ?

  3. This is BEAUTIFUL. I love the back.

  4. I think it looks great but I know what you mean...we are our own worst critics. It is going to be beautiful!

  5. Marelize, this is simply stunning. I am in awe. Please don't lose heart - just keep doing what you are doing. It's beautiful. Maree in Australia.

  6. If you don't think that you can bare to see it every day I'll happily take it off your hands x

  7. I agree with you that the back is my favourite part. Not because the front is anything less than perfect, but because your quilting shows through so amazingly awesomely wonderfully. Nothing anyone says will make you not see the "mistakes" or "issues" but I think it's beautiful. I love the quilting in the green - its so intricate and amazing! I honestly hope you keep going. Good luck!
    E xx

  8. WOW! Your quilting is just awesome! I know we're always our worse critics. But believe this is just awesome, you have done a great job. The back is just stunning!

    Don't doubt yourself , just go for it!

  9. I don't see imperfect pebbles, and crooked lines. I see an amazing piece of work! You've so cleverly designed the quilting in the green sections. Love it. I know what you mean, though, when it isn't exactly like you expected. But I think you'd probably be most satisfied if you finished it up, and blocked it, as you say, then chalk it up to experience.

  10. I am stunned that you feel this way-seriously. I thought you were being sarcastic. Perhaps what you have in mind is the perfection that is more evident in long arm quilting? I see nothing but beauty and I personally love "perfectly imperfect". It's a beautiful match-the quilting design and the piecing.

  11. is absolutely stunning! I'd hang this beauty on my wall in a heartbeat!! I think that you are being your own worst critic. Enjoy this masterpiece!!

  12. This looks awesome! Keep going sometimes you need space after you finish it. But I agree I am always more hard on myself.

  13. This is gorgeous!! Go with it :-)

  14. I love it. I'll hang it on my wall if you don't love it. Lol. We are our own worst critics. I think the photo's look great. I love how you have divided up the space with the quilting (and I love the green fabric). Are you planning on washing it, as I think stitches can settle into the quilt a little better after washing and look a little less ugly. Not that I can see any ugly ones.

  15. I love it. It is always hard when you are halfway through or if you have something specific in your head. But this is fantastic.

  16. its gorgeous! the back is stunning

  17. My first thought was to respond with "Clearly, you've lost your mind," but then I thought maybe you would be offended by that comment, as it isn't very compassionate. But the more I think about it, I really just want to tell you that you've lost your mind! Lol- It really is stunning, and while I do totally get where you are coming from, I think you are looking too closely. It is a stunning piece, and while it may not be exactly what you planned, it may be exactly what it is supposed to be. Hang in there- just keep swimming- it really is amazing!

  18. Wow! I sometimes feel this way about my own quilting, so I understand how you feel, but I really like it, the FMQ design is awesome and gives the green sections so much texture.

  19. I think you should see a doctor:) (just kidding), because this thing is amazing! You are too hard on yourself. When I see your fmq it blows my mind how good you are! Such a natural. Take a break if you need too, but definitely finish it. When I look close at the ones in magazines or shows, they are not perfect at all, but we don't notice. Deep breaths girl:)

  20. oh my goodness, Marelize! that quilting is absolutely stunning! There is so much texture. The back is just awesome!

    Thank you so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  21. I am a new quilter... as in so new I have only yet to finish piecing my first quilt. But, I am an expert at DIY stuff and the self criticism that comes with it. Here is my tip... you are the only one that see's the mistakes, so don't point them out to anyone else. Just keep it your little secret. Then, I found as time goes by, you will literally forget where the mistakes are and realize how much you really loved creating the piece, even if at this point in time you don't love the finished product. And by the way... the image of this quilt is what got me to follow your blog, I was just in total awe that something like this could be done free hand with a machine. It really is art.

  22. Marelize it is fantastic! I understand where you are coming from. I often go through a disheartened phase. I need to stop and do something else for a while., and then go back and have another go! Dit is pragtig

  23. We're our own worst critics, and sometimes, we can be way too harsh on our work. I don't see unevenness and even if I did, I'd be inclined to call it character and proof that it was made by a human and not mass-produced by some machine. It's beautiful work, but I also understand how something that would go unnoticed by most people stands out like a neon sign to you. If you're really unhappy with it, give it someone who will appreciate it but take it far away, where you never or only rarely visit, so that you never have to look at it.

  24. That is breathtaking. It is hard to look at something you've done and not see your mistakes and sometimes it's all you see. If the quilting really is bothering you that much, take a deep breath and remember 2 things dear..... #1, that the front has an array of patterns and hues to soften the eye to your quilting and #2, that the back is absolutely gorgeous. You have done an excellent job and I think you deserve a big pat on the back. :)

  25. Awesome quilting! We know our failings better than anyone else but we can't let imperfections prevent us from trudging onward. I suggest you hang it for everyone to see and listen to what others have to say. Just reading the many comments here, you should be encouraged. Good job! Well done!

  26. When I am working on a piece, I think, "I may as well take a black marker and draw a big circle around each mistake", because that is all I can see. But, once the piece is finished and I put it away for a while, something happens. I can't find all those 'mistakes' anymore. That is when I can see the work a little more objectively . So, finish this lovely piece and put it aside for a few days, then take another look. Maybe then, you will see what the rest of us see, a beautiful, original, creative piece of art. It truely is amazing and I hope that at some point you will be able to see that.

  27. Oh crikey Marelize, pour yourself a stiff gin.

    Love, Muv xx

  28. Marelize, you are seriously crazy girl! This quilting (and quilt) is ABSOLUTELY stunning!!! I'm sure you'll fall in love with it again as you finish it, but the rest of us have the distance to see how beautiful it is! I'd love to feature you this week if you like :) Just let me know if you're happy for me to use one of your images, thanks!!

  29. We are definitely our own worst critics! Because that is just stunning!

  30. Marelize your quilting is amazing and I just love what you have done. Unless you were a machine programmed to make everything absolutely the same, your quilting will never be perfectly even. That is part of the charm of hand making something, and it certainly does not make it less beautiful. Don't be hard on yourself. It's lovely. I think like you, I prefer the back, but that is only because you can see all that stunning quilting, not because the front is bad.

  31. I love this looks awesome!!!

  32. I think the quilting is gorgeous! and yes ~ you are definitely too hard on yourself. :) Beautiful quilt!

  33. Whhhaaaat! I think maybe step back for a couple days and then look at it again and you will be surprised how pleased you are with it. It is really quite beautiful!!

  34. This is so beautiful!! You are your worst critic, nothing at all wrong with this!! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  35. Oh boy why can't you see how beatiful that is? Drape it over a chair and just look at it. It's stunning!!! No two pebbles are the same and that's what makes them looks so GREAT! I hope you feel better about this one, but if you don't I'll send you my address and you can rest assured it will be appreciated here :)


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Stitch by Stitch