
Tuesday 17 December 2013

Dot to Dot Quilting

Its no secret what I've been working on this past week, well that is if you're following me on Instagram and Facebook.  I've enrolled to Angela Walters' Dot to Dot Quilting class on Craftsy some time ago, but after watching all the videos I was a tad bit intimidated by quilting straight lines using my free motion quilting foot.

But I was determined and I really wanted to try it out.  I felt that if its a total flop and that if proves to be too difficult for me, at least I'd know and I could move on.  So I quickly made the quilt top as part of the class materials and started quilting right away.  You can imagine my surprise as I went along how easy it was.  Sure the straight lines aren't perfect but when you step back it actually looks okay, what I think works to my advantage is that I used a thread that blends into the fabric so the designs really pop.    

Of course when quilting shorter distances it is much easier getting the lines almost straight, but when having to go over a longer distance it got a bit tricky.  So inside the green fabric, I decided to add circles filling in the open center spaces hoping it would distract from the lines that are not perfectly evenly spaced and straight.  I think it works well, it adds so much texture and it really pulls your eyes towards the diamond shapes.

I used two layers of low loft poly batting for this quilt and it really makes the quilting stand out more.  I have only the border to finish up.  I am completely sold, it is possible to quilt beautiful straight line quilting using your domestic sewing machine, I had my first try on my asymmetrical diamond quilt, only filling in small spaces and now of course this quilt.  

What I am most proud of, is that I did not mark a single line OR dot quilting this quilt.  

I should be done very soon and I cant wait to have it bound and hung.  I am excited about the possibilities of quilting dot to dot designs on my future quilts, it really adds different dimensions to a quilt.  I love it...

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  1. Oh my word, this is so stunning my friend. Well done on trying something new!!!

  2. Wow! you did such an amazing job. The straight line quilting on pink especially looks perfectly marked or ruler work. Great job!

  3. Really beautiful work. Love the design you have chosen.

  4. It looks fabulous Marelize! I've enrolled and watched that class too but didn't make the class quilt and just tried some of the techniques on other pieces I had. Maybe I should try the class quilt and do it in solid colors. When I'm quilting on printed fabric (vs. solids) it seemed harder to come up with the right design choice.

  5. Your quilting is beautiful! I signed up for the Dot-to-Dot class and now I'm even more excited to try this. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. You've done a beautiful job on your quilting. Very impressed!

  7. It is beautiful-you did a wonderful job and yes you should be proud! Can I ask how big that quilt is?

  8. I signed up for the same course, but I haven't done it yet! Your post will spur me on. Great job and thanks for posting and giving me a boost!

  9. Wow! This is amazing - you've really outdone yourself!

  10. I am so glad you posted this. I just enrolled and watched her class last weekend but haven't done the project yet. Very inspiring!

  11. Well done ! The quilting is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing, you inspire me to keep trying!

  12. Looks fabulous! I "took" the class too but haven't tried her method yet.

  13. Beautiful job Marelize!! Love it!!

  14. What a stunning design! visiting thru Fluster Buster party

  15. Wow! That is gorgeous. You're definitely a great spokesperson for the class!

  16. I'm very impressed that you didn't mark this out before hand, looks marvelous.

  17. Wow thats awesome. It gives me hope for my quilting! (it needs work!)

  18. Great job. You sold me on taking a class.

  19. Wow, well done! I'm intimidated at the idea of straight line quilting with my FMQ foot too, so it's encouraging to see someone else achieve it!

  20. Beautiful. I love this colour combination.

  21. Wow great job the finished top looks great. I love all of the designs!!!

  22. This looks amazing! This class is on sale so I am going to be buying it!

  23. Wow this is amazing. And a very inspiring post! I will seriously consider taking this class!

  24. Love what you've done with this. I can see how those pebbles would be a great distraction away from an imperfect line, but they look 'right' too :)

  25. Wow-oh-Wow! This is amazing looking...I'm intrigued with this Dot to Dot class. I think I'll go check it out on Craftsy :o)


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