Monday 2 December 2013

Fabric Book Cover Tutorial

I decided that I am going to include quite a few handmade gifts for Christmas this year, so I have been very busy sewing cute and fun items.  Because most of my family live 100's to 1000's of kilometers away, and because we wont be seeing them, I wanted to get it done as soon as possible to make sure it gets to their destination in time.

My oldest Son, (almost 18) asked if I could make his girlfriend a little something too.  So together we decided a pencil bag together with a fabric book cover would be great.  So today I thought of showing you exactly how I made the fabric book cover.

You'll need the following:  (The fabric requirements are for an A5 book)
1 Book to cover - in this case a A5 hard cover
2 x Fat quarters of your choice (I decided to piece the front using two different prints, but a FQ will do)
Fusible batting/fleece
Small piece of fusible applique
Matching thread and general sewing supplies

You'll start by measuring your book.  Measure from the back edge to the front edge, and from top to bottom.  ADD 8 inches (4 each side) for the edges that will fold over to the inside of the book and 1 inch  (½ top and ½ bottom) for seam allowances.  

In this case the measurements are as follows: 20 x 9¼.  
12 inches + 8 inches = 20 inches (side to side)
8¼ inches + 1 inch = 9¼ (top to bottom)
You'll need the same sizes for both the front, back and fusible batting.

The next step is to use a pressing cloth and iron on the fusible batting to the WRONG side of the piece of fabric you want to use as the face of your book.  Then place the lining fabric on top, right sides together and sew the SIDES, leaving both the top and bottom edges open.

Turn the cover right sides out and place the book inside the cover, fold the edges over the book.  Pin each edge as markers, use a hot iron and press, the crease will help you to match up the edges when you need to sew it down.  Turn the cover wrong side out again and fold the sides inwards, matching up the pressed creases of the lining and front fabric.

Sew the top and bottom leaving a opening big enough to turn it right side out.  I marked the opening with a water soluble pen to ensure I don't sew right through.

You can then hand sew the opening closed with a blind stitch.  I am NOT good at those, so what I did was cut a small piece of fusible applique, placed it inside the opening and fused the opening shut.

All that is left to do now, is give the book cover a good press and cover a book with with your finished fabric book cover.

This makes for a quick, easy and fun little project, great for gifts or to give a bit of flare to books you might already have.

Thanks for stopping by.

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Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

They are adorable Marelize! Thanks for sharing!

Ella and Nesta said...

Thank you so much for this tutorial. Your book covers are beautiful.

Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation said...

really cute, Marelize! These would make a really special gift!

:) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

Laura B said...

Thanks. I've bookmarked this. What a great way to "marry" two of my great loves: fabric and books.

Unknown said...

Lovely covers. And how nice that your son appreciates gifts you've made :-)

Nilya said...

Cool, I have seen many ways of making them, but I do it almost like you. I like also more when covers have a lining. Wonderful covers!

Sewing Mom said...

Very nice. I made a bunch of these in Oct./Nov. I even wrote up a tutorial too. =) nice job.

Sara said...

Sweet gifts for your son's girlfriend and other far away family. My extended family is far away as well:(

Cheryl said...

Beauiful book covers and thank you for the wonderful tutorial, I pinned it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marelize, I just popped over from Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River to read this fab tutorial. Thanks so much for doing all the hard work of figuring out the details for us to follow... I can't wait to make a few of these!
Hugs from your newest follower,
Beth P

Cathy said...

Looks great, thanks for the tutorial!!!!!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Great tutorial and these always make wonderful gifts!! Thanks for sharing.
Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

Kate said...

Your journal covers are quite lovely and I thank you for the how-to. I'm pleased to have discovered your blog (via Annemarie's Haakblog).

Schulz Family said...

visiting from sew many ways. These are simply gorgeous

GCostello said...

Love making these, they look so pretty when finished with cute embelishments etc.... your fabrics are beautiful ;) Gill

Renee said...

These are beautifully done, great tutorial! Makes me want to go cover a bunch of books right now :-)

Unknown said...

I made one of these yesterday, and adapted for a chunky book to make a Hobonichi style cover. I used denim instead of wadding to make it nice and thick, and sewed a double cord bookmark into the seam at the top edge. It came out awesome! Thank you so much for this tutorial. I may be making some more of these. Here's my finished piece:

Val said...

These will be wonderful covers for my daily planner and notebook. Thank you for the tutorial. Your sewing is very professional-looking!

Val @

Lindsay said...

I love that this pattern is so simple and turns out nicer than many of the more complicated ones I've found online!

One word of warning: it's really important to leave some extra room in the top-to-bottom measurement! I'd say half an inch extra would do, especially if you're using a hardcover. I measured my cover exactly, added one inch for seam allowance, and used a half-inch seam... and my book doesn't fit in its beautiful cover. :( I don't do much sewing so I didn't even think of it and followed the instructions exactly. Now I've got to either fix it or make a whole new one!

Ana Love Craft said...

Hi Marelize! I love this project! Thank you so much for sharing a clear tutorial. That was a great help to make a baby photo album cover :)
Have a fabulous day!
Hugs and love from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft


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