
Monday 12 August 2013

Anything goes Quilt 'n Sew #30 - Making new friends

A week ago I mentioned how I am the type of person that is quite happy in my own little space, not bothered too much about interacting with others, being content with my own thoughts.  But over the weekend I made a new 'sewing' friend.  She contacted me, in the hopes that I could help her out downloading machine embroidery designs from the internet and writing them to her machine.

Well, we ended up spending a few hours together over two days and it was so much fun, seeing and being in the presence of someone who enjoys and appreciates all and everything 'fabric' related.  She herself makes quilts, enjoys making clothes, crocheting and embroidery.

Its almost a year and a half since the 'quilt bug' bit be, and in that time I have only seen quilts made by others via pictures from blogs, and the internet, but I have not seen any up close made by someone else.  Yes I know how much work goes into making a quilt, and I can appreciate the skill and technique that goes into making a quilt.  I thoroughly enjoy seeing everyone's work, especially all your link ups every week, but after actually touching and seeing someone else's quilts up close, I have a new appreciation for this skill and art.

It was such a joy spending time with her, being in her sewing space, seeing all the tools and gadgets, and how organized she is even when everything is scattered around, bits and pieces all over the place.  I had a lot of fun.  

My eyes are now completely open, and I can honestly say, that I see quilts for their complete and true beauty instead of just a pretty quilt.

In some other news, I have received my tote bag from my 'angel' partner assigned to make my bag as part of the secret tote bag swap.   

and.. some time ago I submitted my Gone Golfing, Back Maybe quilt to the Quilting Gallery's Show and Tell Contest, and thanks to all who voted, my Dad's quilt won.  My prize was these awesome hand dyed fabrics.  She even sent a cute little fabric bookmark.

It felt like Christmas, receiving these packages and a bonus making a new friend.
I cant wait to see what you have been up to...

Anything Goes Linky Party

Please link up any current projects, anything at all...  This link is open for a full week and will run every Monday.  Remember to come back next week, or follow my blog to get regular updates.

If you wish, feel free to add any other blog posts you write during the week, this linky stays open for a full week, I think its a great idea to share and keep sharing.

The rules are simple:
1.  Link up ANY post you'd like to share that features any quilting, sewing, knitting, crochet, if its hand made, why not...
2.  Somewhere in your blog post, you must link back here to my blog with a text link, or grab the 'Anything Goes' button for your sidebar.
3.  Be nice, comment on at least a few other blogs linked, the whole point of having a party is to connect, share and maybe get a few new followers...

Stitch by Stitch

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Stitch by Stitch"><img src="" alt="Stitch by Stitch" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Happy quilting.


  1. Hello, this is my first visit to your blog and I'm glad to be here! I found you through your post on Crafters Corner Café. I'm your new follower via GFC. I invite you to visit my blog and if you like my creations, I would love you to follow me. Thank you for hosting this party, Thank you also for giving us the opportunity to discover new bloggy friends. I added your link on my post and added your button on my parties page.
    Marisa from

  2. What great prizes! I have yet to try any hand dyed, but they look lovely. Thanks Marelize:)

  3. it's a great article, i love the pictures. Thanks for sharing this bookmarking your website as we speak lol xx
    from: wall stickers wall decals

  4. Good for you! (Making an in-person sewing friend) I'm the same way about being perfectly happy in my own space with the social peep-hole of Quilting Blog World and Facebook. I need to find a quilt guild that has meeting hours that actually work for me so I can connect with some warm, walking bodies. ;D

  5. Congratulations,that`t great and more to come!


It is so nice of you for stopping by, I love to hear from everyone of you, so please feel free to leave a comment.

If you have a question I will try and respond via e-mail. Please make sure your blogger profile is linked to your e-mail, otherwise I wont be able to e-mail you back.

If you need to reach me feel free to e-mail me at marelizeries[at]gmail[dot]com

Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch