
Monday 6 January 2014

Anything Goes Mondays #45

stitch by stitch

As promised, anything goes mondays are back and will resume each monday throughout the year.  This weekly linky party allows anyone of you to share just about anything you like!  If you've made it, and want to share it, this is the place.  So if you quilt, knit, crochet, sew or do any type of fiber craft this is the place I want you to share what you've made.

I could not contain my excitement any longer, so I just have to give you a sneak peek into a quilt I have designed on EQ7 over the holidays and started piecing.  I am super excited about this quilt and I hope to, in the near future have a written pattern to share with all of you.  

Over the next few weeks I plan to have a completed quilt top, and a written pattern.  So if there are any of you that like to test out patterns, I would love for you to contact me.  I would really like to make my dream of pattern writing a reality, and that would only be possible with a bit of your help.

Now it is your turn to share what you have been busy with these past few weeks.  I am sure that since this is the first linky of the new year and after taking a break for little over a month you have a LOT to share!

1.  Link up ANY recent blog posts, it can be one or more, but PLEASE do not share blog posts you might have linked up in the past.
2.  Somewhere in your blog post, you must link back here to my blog, OR grab the 'anything goes' button for you sidebar.
3.  Try to visit at least a few of the other blogs linked, the whole point of having a party is to connect, share and maybe get a few new followers...remember to leave a comment to let them know you stopped by!
stitch by stitch

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  1. Oooh, Marelize! This looks awesome. Love the colors and the white really lets them shine. Can't wait to see the whole top:)

  2. Lovely colors nice and fresh spring!

  3. Great block Marelize! Looking forward to following your progress on this!

  4. Your quilt pattern is beautiful Marelize. I would be happy to offer to proofread your pattern but I'm afraid I cannot do all that piecing without pulling my hair out! It's just stunning - I wish I liked to piece ;). Congrats on such a beautiful piece.

  5. Great party!! Thanks for hosting. I am feeling inspired just looking at the thumbnails everyone posted! Time to get reading!!

  6. Great quilt block. I would love to test your pattern. I have put a pattern out there so I know how difficult it is to make sure they are clear.

  7. It looks like you've created a great quilt top, and I can't wait to see it finished!

  8. That is beautiful! I am able to be a tester, but I look forward to when the pattern is available!

  9. Love the sneak peak,it looks beautiful! If you are offering the pattern in a baby size quilt I would love to test it out for you.

  10. Your quilt block looks so pretty. Depending on when you needed it tested I could possibly do it. Thanks for the link up.

  11. Marelize...this is an absolutely beautiful pattern. Your fabric selection is wonderful!

  12. Marelize, I love that pattern! I can hardly wait for the pattern. Looks like a lovely way to use alot of different fabrics. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Very cool pattern!! Can't wait to see the whole quilt-it is going to be awesome!!!

  14. This is SO beautiful. I am excited to see the pattern, it looks like a good challenge for my technique! Gorgeous color choices.


It is so nice of you for stopping by, I love to hear from everyone of you, so please feel free to leave a comment.

If you have a question I will try and respond via e-mail. Please make sure your blogger profile is linked to your e-mail, otherwise I wont be able to e-mail you back.

If you need to reach me feel free to e-mail me at marelizeries[at]gmail[dot]com

Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch