
Friday 3 January 2014

TEN UFO Sightings!

No, no!  ET has NOT landed.. but MY UFOs has!  You know those UnFinished Objects you ignore up to a point when you realize its either time to finish them or forget them completely!  Well I have ignored my UFO's for far too long now, and decided that this year I am going to do my very best and finish what I've started.  

So I am joining in this years' a lovely year of finishes hosted by Fibre of all sorts and Sew Bitter Sweet Designs.

The plan is, to finish off at least one, either old or new project in one month.  Now I have more than enough projects to keep me busy for quite some time, but there is at least one project that I am sure that I wont be able to complete in one month, and that is my one inch hexies quilt.  There are over 1500 basted hexies to piece together, so I am going to make it my goal to piece at least 50 together in a month.  This will not be part of the linkup I am sharing over at a lovely year of finishes but just a personal goal I want to set for myself.  If I dont make it, its okay too, I just feel that unless I push myself I wont finish at all!

So for January I am going to concentrate on my clam-shell crochet blanket.  I am close to finishing it, and to just get into the whole idea of completing something before month-end I am going to keep it simple.  I want to add at least another 10 inches to this blanket (at 47 inches wide), so it should be finished it no time.  

There is a catch though, it is summer, and with temperatures going up to 34°C (93°F) it is going to be,... well ... HELL, lol.

But I am hopeful, and I am going to get it done!

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  1. Maybe you could just work on it for short periods of time,or maybe in the mornings when it is cooler? Good luck with your goal!

  2. Good for you Marelize! It's awesome that you're setting goals. Ummm, I haven't done that yet. I love your crochet piece - just beautiful!

  3. You can do it! I love to sit out in the sun basting hexies. A favourite past time

  4. ooh, you have some very pretty UFO's I really love the quilt with the green border!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation


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Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch