
Tuesday 6 May 2014

Double Slice Layer Cake Quilt

For those of you that have been following my blog for a long ...long time, might remember THIS quilt.  The design is called 'Double Slice Layer Cake' quilt and its from Missouri Star Quilt Co. 

I pieced this quilt in December 2012, and would you believe it, I had forgotten all about it.  It was tucked away right at the bottom of one my UFO containers.  I was on a mission these past few weeks cleaning out, sorting out and organizing all of my cupboards and rooms in our home.  The last room I sorted out was my sewing room, and when I came across this quilt, I immediately set it aside, knowing that this quilt WILL be quilted next.

Basting this quilt took me a good few hours.  I had to move the furniture away in my bedroom to clear a large enough space to pin baste it.  It's quite BIG, measuring at 73 inches square.  Luckily I am no longer afraid of quilting a large quilt on my home sewing machine.  After I have finished my Summer Solstice quilt, I know its possible.

For this quilt I am going to keep the quilting simple.  My aim, is TEXTURE.  So I am quilting an all over flower meander design using a gold'ish colour thread.  I think it blends in really well, and on every other dark piece of fabric the quilting shows up more clearly.  I might add a bit of interest inside the narrow white border and quilt something completely different, but I am still deciding. 

It is so nice quilting again after a few weeks' distraction.

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  1. Your quilting is beautiful.

  2. Your quilting is quite nice. I am still scared to try quilting a large quilt in my machine

  3. I am so impressed with your quilting. This is a great quilt for your floral motif.

  4. A beautiful quilt and lovely free motion pattern! I would like to try that one to see if I can do it. It is beautiful :) Love your work.

    Emily at

  5. Beautiful quilting; I like that design, did you invent it yourself? The patchwork pattern looks interesting; i must check that one out.

  6. I love your quilting design and look forward to seeing the completed quilt.

  7. It's been so much fun following your blog and seeing your progression on quilting-awesome!!

  8. Lovely quilting! You are an expert quilter since you can quilt such a big surface so neatly and evenly. Very impressive! Good for you to finish this UFO too!

  9. I'm so used to fancy intricate pieced quilts but there's something about the simplicity of this quilt that I really love. Excellent work with your FMQ I'm super jealous of your skills!

  10. Those flowers look great, a really nice choice. Lovley colours in the quilt top, the gold looks really well against it.

  11. Your quilting is great. A pretty design and so evenly stitched.

  12. That design is perfect and your quilting is so smooth!!! Your work is so inspiring Marelize. Makes me stop and read every word! Its funny because I have the same pattern quilt tucked away for quite a bit and just came across it....had forgotten all about it:) I think I am going to do an all over stipple.

  13. I don't know about these fancy machines.....are you sewing it or does your machine automatically do it?

  14. Beautiful quilting on a beautiful machine! I have the exact same Bernina and I ADORE her. She and I have quilted many many quilts, the biggest at 90X91 over our 11 years together! This is a great flower meander, one of Angela Walters' perhaps? Regardless, I am getting more and more comfortable on my Avanté, so I think I will try it on my Turning Twenty floral quilt... thank you for the inpsiration! I have followed you for the past year, and am so impressed with how beautiful your quilting is--you go, girl!! :-)


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Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch