
Saturday 19 July 2014

Labour of Love - A Finished Quilt

A couple of weeks ago I shared my experience with you when I visited the Carltonville Country Counters' Regional meeting, and how I volunteered to quilt this quilt for them, you can read all about it here.  

Well the time has finally arrived to share the finished quilt with all of you.  

After they sent it to me I had it 'sit' for a few weeks until I finally decided what I wanted to quilt.  I really wanted the quilting to pop and to emphasize the quilt design.  So I used my all time favourite quilting designs, alternating between swirls, pebbles and some dot to dot quilting with a wiggly filler.  
I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story.... 

I enjoyed every second I spent finishing this quilt for them.  It was a totally new experience quilting a quilt not pieced by myself, the fabrics used in this quilt is truly beautiful, I love the rich colours.

I am really proud of what I have done and I hope they approve and will call on me again in the future for projects like these... it was honestly 'A Labour of Love'.

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  1. You are a quilting genius my friend. And on your little machine, this really is a labour of love. You can be VERY VERY proud of your work on this quilt!!!!

  2. Absolutely marvellous quilting!

  3. Beautiful quilting I like how you have let the patchwork design lead your quilting. I'm sure the gentleman will be pleased with the result.

  4. Wow, gorgeous quilting!! I use Wordpress, not Blogger so I don't have a profile. You can reach me at craftnut at rockemail dot com if you want to, but not necessary. Your quilting is gorgeous!!

  5. Absolutely beautiful as always. I really can't believe how perfect your quilting is x

  6. It turned out fantastic, Marelize!
    A fabulous quilting job. They're going to love it.

  7. What a beautiful job you did!! I am always in awe of anyone who can quilt with such skill.

  8. Kim from Calgary20 July 2014 at 16:43

    You are so inspiring - fantastic job. Absolutely love your work.

  9. You certainly did them proud !

  10. Absolutely beautiful! Love your quilting choices.

  11. So beautiful and such a wonderful quilting!

  12. Um, are amazing!!! I love the designs you chose. So full of movement and life. Such a work of art. I you draw these out or just free style it?

  13. You never fail to amaze me. I just love how you've quilted this. I struggle all the time when deciding how to quilt a top. I'm hoping it gets easier with experience. You make it look so easy.

  14. They would be mad not to use you again - you're quilting is brilliant.

  15. Marelize, it is such a beautiful quilt and your quilting took it right over the top! Fantastic work!

  16. Love all the quilting, its perfect for this piece

  17. Hello,
    Such exquisite quilting. You are honouring the maker of this quilt by putting so much skill and love into it. The recipient should be touched.

  18. The quilting is such a compliment to the design and really highlights the piecing. You have outdone yourself, Marelize!

  19. I love the quilting you've done on the orange border. Is it what you call 'dot to dot' quilting?

  20. Wonderful work, Marelize, you should be proud! They'd be crazy not to come back for more!

  21. Your quilting on this piece is incredible.

  22. Another great use for HST's. Your quilting is exquisite! Thank you for sharing...pinned.


It is so nice of you for stopping by, I love to hear from everyone of you, so please feel free to leave a comment.

If you have a question I will try and respond via e-mail. Please make sure your blogger profile is linked to your e-mail, otherwise I wont be able to e-mail you back.

If you need to reach me feel free to e-mail me at marelizeries[at]gmail[dot]com

Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch