
Friday 11 October 2013

Stippling - easy to mess up, NOT this time

Stippling is probably the most commonly used free motion quilting design, and most likely a favorite amongst many of you.  I love the look, feel and the texture stippling adds to a quilt.  But mostly I love quilting it!  The only thing I have to concentrate on is to not quilt myself into a corner, luckily with a lot of practice it sort of comes naturally now.  But then, there's scale...

I have to admit that I do struggle a bit with that.  I tend to at times 'wonder' off from the scale or spacing between the wiggly lines, and end up going smaller and when I notice my mistake, I tend to quilt in even a larger scale than intended.  I hate ripping out any stitches unless I have made a complete mess of it, so usually I would just continue and hope it would  not be too noticeable.  But this time as I progressed quilting this disappearing four patch baby quilt I noticed that for the first time, I kept quilting at a constant ½ inch (more or less) spacing.

I have completely finished the center area of this quilt today, and plan to be a bit more creative for the white inside border and the outer border.  I have not yet decided what I will quilt, but I want to try and continue outwards with the square designs of the pieced blocks.

I am glad to have finally started quilting this quilt, its been lying in a drawer for almost six months, and each time I would see it, I felt a bit guilty for neglecting it.  At this rate I will have a finish much sooner than I thought.

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  1. Beautiful quilt and stippling!

  2. It is gorgeous and the FMQ just perfect for it!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  3. Wonderful job of the stippling, Marelize. It is good to see you doing your fmq again!

  4. Gorgeous quilt and stippling :). I have been practising and hope mine will one day look as great as yours :).

    Jenn from Mellycoddle :).

  5. gorgeous Marelize! another great thing about stippling- it's fast! Can't wait to see what awesomeness you decide to do for the borders!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  6. Very cute quilt. Your stippling looks great. It will be nice to have a finish, won't it?

  7. Love these bright happy colours! I think the green border will show off a detailed motif very nicely...

  8. Love. Stippling does give such a beautiful result x

  9. Beautiful stippling Marelize! Looks perfect for the quilt. On the white borders maybe you consider a bento box type design to more mimimck the inside piecing and look totally opposite the curved quilting.... Can't wait to see what you decide.

  10. This looks wonderful. I struggle with free motion on my domestic machine. Enjoy doing the borders

  11. Your stippling on this quilt looks fantastic. Go FMQ!

  12. Stippling is fun! and it looks great! I usually do about 1-1.5 inch on it. I did it all the time on my home machine and when I got the long arm and was even easier to do... it came naturally. Also, the quilting goes by so fast with stippling. I love yours, it looks so even! Thanks for sharing this lovely quilt :)

  13. Your quilt is gorgeous and the quilting is beautifully done!

  14. Love this pattern! I keep saying I am going to make it, great colors for it too. Love your quilting as usual:)

  15. Way to go! This is such a cheery quilt, it's going to fabulous all finished. I've been breaking motifs I use into new-to-me scales, which isn't always easy. I've found it really helpful to keep a comparison-item in mind while working, for example on the last quilt I aimed for spacing on one filler to be about equal to my ring finger's width, and on another filler to be about the width of a pencil. Helps me keep mostly uniform across a large quilt and when the work spans several days. Looking forward to seeing this quilt finished - it's so sweet!

  16. Is your free motion quilting done on a regular machine?? It's very nice.


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Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch