
Tuesday 8 October 2013

So many WIPs

How many projects have you got that you're working on at once?  I think I might be overdoing it just a tad bit, I realized it today when I took them all out to take some pictures.  The following wips are all my most recent, I have three crochet projects going simultaneously, and already I am planning another.  

I bought these variegated yarns to make a few more doilies.  I enjoyed making my 1st one so much, all I've wanted to do since was try another few.  But for now I think I need to finish up a few of my other projects before starting another..

My most recent project is another African Flower Crochet Bag.  The first I made was for the Secret Tote Bag Swap, which was a hit by the way, my partner loved it!  This time I am using a much thinner yarn, so the bag will be really small.  All that is left to do, is construct the bottom of the bag, the drawstring, the part where the drawstring will pull through, and of course the lining.

Another crochet project is this Clam Shell Blanket.  I am using various colours of elle Pure Gold Chunky.  I think this project might sit on the shelf for a while.  The weather has warmed up considerably these past few weeks, and having it lie across my lap while crocheting might be murder, lol.  If you are interested in the pattern click HERE.  

Another crochet project, is this chevron blanket, I recon I am about halfway with this one.

Then, not forgetting that I quilt too, I've started cleaning up the back of the disappearing four patch baby quilt that I've made a few months ago.  The white fabric I used was fraying so much that I decided to clip them away before basting.  The last thing I want is for it to show up after quilting. 

So with it ready and 'clean' I started basting, I cant wait to start quilting it.  I've felt rather guilty for letting this one lie for so long.

Then, just when you thought I was done sharing all my WIPs, here is another I started.  A little cross stitch rose which was included with issue no 30 of Mollie Makes. 

 Hopefully before long I will be able to share a finish with you.

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  1. Oh wow, so many crocheting projects at once! I have only one granny square blanket on the go which I ever only pick up during winter time - I will probably never get it done. Good luck with your projects! I love your babyquilt, especially with all that white mixed in. Makes for a very fresh looking quilt!

  2. All such LOVELY projects Marelize!! I am still quilting my Dwell quilt, it is taking AGES, I do find I am battling with the heat too though, so I need to finish quickly so I can get onto something new. Been spending a lot of time in my garden lately, so not many other projects getting done!

  3. Beautiful projects....loving your crochet. Simply gorgeous. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Love your clam shell blanket! But I will not start something else! Have fun with your WIPs.

  5. Wonderful projects, I love the the cute baby quilt!

  6. I love your African Flower Crochet Bag! I tried my hand at crochet a few times and my fingers just got all discombobulated, so I'm always amazed at those who can do it right. :)

  7. ooo - Your crochet is so pretty :)

  8. Wow, all your projects are adorable! I love the elephant fabric in the dissapearing nine patch quilt!

  9. What a lot of WIPs! I quilt, crochet, and knit so I often have a similar pile going...

  10. You are not alone, I have over ten right now, which is just way too many!! But it keeps things interesting! Still too many ;) !!

  11. You are so busy! It's all lovely. I need to get my crochet back out. All I've been doing is quilting.

  12. do you find time? The elephants on the baby quilt are so very sweet! It ALL looks good to me.

  13. Looks like you are crafting crazy-style:) Love it! I really like your crochet designs, those scallops are too cool.

  14. I wish I could crochet....your is so lovely!! And so WIP....nice to know I'm in such good company!

  15. You have some beautiful projects there. How are you liking the yarn that you are using?

  16. Wow Marelize no time to get bored in your studio. Lots of fabulous projects in the making! Baby quilt is so cute! Love the crochet bag!

  17. so many great projects Marelize! I am always so amazed when I see your quilts. You are so precise. That D4P is just so cute!

    Thank you so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  18. Ooooo its great to see that others also have lots of projects on their journey, I also have some that have been lying for ages because of my crazy quilt embroidery. Your work is very neat and I also cut away all the threads before starting to pin baste my quilt because it does show through at the most impossible places.

  19. What beautiful, beautiful projects and I have decided.....we can never have too many projects going on! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday


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Stitch by Stitch