
Thursday 2 October 2014

A Special Gift for a Special Friend

My best friend and sewing buddy has been away for a couple of months now, touring through the southern parts of Africa and South Africa, and during this time she left her sewing machine for me to use and for safe keeping while they're away.  

Looking at the picture below her Bernina B580 looks remarkably bigger than my little Artista, keeping in mind that my machine is dropped inside the table.  There is not much difference between the two machines except maybe the sleek modern design and a few technical advances.  

Anyway, I wanted to give her a little something I knew she did not have. She's been sewing and quilting most of her life so it was pointless to give her more sewing supplies. Believe me when I say that her sewing room is filled with anything and everything you'll ever need for any type of sewing.  So it got me thinking, she would always cover her machine with a towel at the end of the day when she closed up her room.  So I decided to make her something pretty instead.

To finish it off I made a pincushion and scissor pouch that matches.  If you want to make your own scissor pouch I wrote a tutorial some time ago that you can fine HERE.

It felt really good spending some time in my sewing room again after being in a bit of a lull these past few months, I guess I needed a bit of push and encouragement which is exactly what I got from all of the comments that was left during last week and this weeks' link ups.  Thanks again everyone!!! (hugs)

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  1. This is a wonderful gift and your friend must be indeed very special!

  2. What a fabulous gift!! It is beautiful and so useful for her!!

  3. This is darling! I love those tiny pinwheels. I also like that the sides are a bit more open. I've been wanting to make a cover for my machine and so far this is the one I like best. With the open sides, I can keep my thread on the cone stand without unthreading it.

  4. Oh how nice that you took care of her machine while she was away! I think she will be thrilled with the new cover and goodies you made for her. It is so nice to have a buddy to craft with!

  5. Oh Marelize! This is such a special gift. I love it. Your work is amazing. She will love it for sure.

  6. What a sweet gift for your friend! I know she will love each of the items that are very practical. I know she will be delighted when she sees what you've made.

  7. What a sweet gift for your friend! I know she will love each of the items that are very practical. I know she will be delighted when she sees what you've made.


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If you need to reach me feel free to e-mail me at marelizeries[at]gmail[dot]com

Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch