
Friday 27 December 2013

Looking Back at 2013 and SOME of my Favorite Projects

Looking back at 2013 and comparing it to 2012 when I started quilting, my quilting and sewing skills have improved immensely.  I learned so many free motion quilting designs, I got a lot more confident and I allowed myself to explore with what I could do.  I have created a few collages of some or rather MOST of the projects I have made this past year.  Most are completed and some are still a work in progress, but mostly I am surprised at the amount I got done.  I am not going to go into too much detail of each of them, but I have included links to the blog posts if you'd like to read more about them.  Some did not make its way here, but I hope you enjoy seeing a few of my favorites.  I've grouped them into quilts, bags, crochet projects, mini quilts and fabric postcards...oh and some of my handmade Christmas gifts too.

Crochet Head Band   *   Clamshell Crochet Blanket WIP   *   Pansy Doily   *   Sunburst Granny Square   *  Doilies   *   Chevron Crochet WIP

Quilted Cushions   *   Mini Valentines Quilt   *   Feather Mini Quilts   *   Bright Quilted Cushions   *   Dresden Mini Quilt

Fabric Postcards as part of a world wide swap on Facebook.

Handmade Christmas gifts, the book cover tutorial can be found here.

This past year I enrolled to quite a few BOM's, and quilt alongs, but for some reason I was just not as committed I thought would be, I quickly lost interest and strangely it was not as much fun as I thought it would be.  Sure I would still like to finish what I've started, but I decided to not take it too seriously.  

As for 2014, I will go with the flow.  I have only one goal set out, and that is to design and write my own quilt patterns.  If I only do ONE for the year, I will be happy.  The idea is to have fun with it , so we'll see...

Thanks to each and everyone of you for following along this past year, I hope you will visit regularly.  It is going to be a great one, I know it!

stitch by stitch

A little reminder, my anything goes mondays linky party will resume on Monday 6 January 2014.  Hope to see you then.  Happy new year!!!

* My posts delivered to you *

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  1. You have achieved so much this year, and all beautiful. Your quilting is inspiring!! I love the texture of dense quilting.

  2. You have achieved so much this year Marelize! Your quilting is fantastic!

  3. Your quilting is such an inspiration, Marelize! And what a wonderful line up of sew many fine projects! Looking forward to seeing what you create in the coming year!

  4. Wow, you have been productive. Wishing you a Happy New Year, Marelize.

  5. You HAVE been busy this year girlfriend!!! So glad that I have gotten to know you this year! :)

  6. Marelize, what a lovely display of projects. Warm wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.

  7. beautiful work, I loved the Express your love too..

  8. WOW! So many pretty things! Well done!

  9. Wow, that's a lot of finished projects this year. And your quilting skills are amazing!

  10. Quite a collection of projects! Nice work and good luck with this year's goal. I'm certain you can do it. :)

  11. I can't believe how much you managed to get done in a year!

    The one item that really stands out for me in the fabric postcard with the blue flower. Truly beautiful x

  12. Your growth as a quilter has been tremendous. You are an inspiration!

  13. Such beautiful work! Great projects and finishes. Really looking forward to 2014 and all of your new projects.

  14. Wow! You have been busy. Your FM Quilting is beautiful.


It is so nice of you for stopping by, I love to hear from everyone of you, so please feel free to leave a comment.

If you have a question I will try and respond via e-mail. Please make sure your blogger profile is linked to your e-mail, otherwise I wont be able to e-mail you back.

If you need to reach me feel free to e-mail me at marelizeries[at]gmail[dot]com

Thanks so much for reading
Stitch by Stitch